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Customer satisfaction is not good enough

About half of my Amazon orders result in an email from seller asking to confirm delivery, and requesting that I write an Amazon review. These letters often feel formulaic and fake — with a little effort, the seller can check the delivery status without bothering me. So, it’s really about wanting me to write a review. Here is where they go wrong.

If you want me to do something extra — such as writing a review — you, seller, have to do something extra for me first. It’s not enough to have sold me the product. It’s not enough that the product got here ok (on time even!) because that is what I, and every other customer, expect from a purchase.

In short, even if the customer is completly satisfied with the purchase, satisfaction is not enough of a reason to request an additional action without providing something else in return.

The solution is simple, yet few organizations do it. And no, it’s not a discount on the next product I buy.

It’s creating a sense of delight.

Delight comes from exceeding expectations. Going beyond what is expected, so that the extra effort can be seen. With that, you can ask for something else in return.

Delight can be created many ways. Just a few examples:

  1. Your email to me can be personalized, and not just via a formula — comment personally on something you think I may be experiencing, something topical in the news, or try to create an emotional connection. It can be as simple as just being “real” in your communications.

  2. You can fix problems quickly and make my life easier (example: when the time to return an Amazon item has passed, Amazon reps will often extend the time on request).

  3. You can provide me with extra content, knowledge, instruction, or best practices that makes my life better, especially with the product or service (imagine if your veterinarian sent you a monthly video via newsletter covering ways to help your cat or dog live a long life, without trying to sell you medication).

  4. You can provide me access to valuable opportunities with partners of yours (who in your circles has value that they want to trade for access to your customer?).

  5. You can unexpectedly upgrade my experience (one car rental company does this, surprising customers with upgraded vehicles).

  6. You can make sure that I don’t feel like just another customer you deal with every day (The fun personality of flight attendants on Southwest is legendary).

If someone has just met you, would you ask them to help you move? Even providing free pizza doesn’t cut it. If you want others to help you, you have to help them first — both in life, and in product or service sales and support.

In what ways might you create delight in your customers?

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I'm Ron Evans. I dramatically improve individual and organizational performance. If you found today's topic intriguing and want to apply it to your situation, I'll brainstorm with you. The few who follow through and take me up on my offer will benefit greatly. Strike while the iron is hot! 


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